June Bouquet Buzz: Highlights and Happenings


Wow! Hasn’t June flown by?! it has been a busy month here at Lancaster Flower Press as we head deep into the wedding season. I have had plenty of bouquets arrive for preservation, which has kept me busy, and I have been keep a watchful eye over all the bouquets from spring.

Bouquets Received

June has seen the arrival of many beautiful bouquets. As we head into summer the blooms become brighter and more colourful. Each new bouquet had its own intangible beauty and I love working with each and every one.

Here are a few of the stunners I have received:

all white wedding bouquet has been delivered and preserved
pink and white bouquet has been delivered and preserved
wildflower bouquet has arrived and has been preserved.

It is definitely peony season! Almost every bouquet I’ve received this month has included peonies and that makes me very happy! I love peonies; an absolute essential for any wedding bouquet. They come in such an array of colours and most of them have a wonderful fragrance.

New Techniques Learned

Over the past month or two I have been working on pressing one of the more difficult summer flowers - Sunflowers!

As you can imagine pressing a sunflower is no easy feat. The large, thick centre of the flower must be pressed properly to ensure that not only does it actually flatten but also that it does not trap moisture and start to rot.

There has been some trial and error with this but I have found a method that seems more effective - using my microwave press. I am still quite new to this method of flower pressing as I have always been a bit concerned with how quickly the microwave press zaps the flowers. But for large flower centres that need a lot of the moisture removed and to be flattened quickly to ensure success, it really does work!

Quick video showing how I have flattened a sunflower centre using a microwave press.


This month has been exciting and busy but this has also lead to me feeling a little overwhelmed at times. But I have been able to push past the imposter syndrome, stopped worrying from comparing myself to other artists and focused on the bouquets in front of me.

I also sent myself a goal for June to start to build my email list by creating and putting out a free resource that would help brides during the preservation process.

So I created my 3 Day Challenge: Find Your Perfect Preservation Artist which lays out the steps a bride should take to find the right preservation artist for them. So far it has been pretty successful! And I hope that if you have downloaded it you have found it useful.

If you have any feedback, encouragement or suggestions about my challenge or if there is any other information you’d be interested in then please do hit reply and let me know. If you haven’t already downloaded my challenge you can find it here.

Blog Posts Written This Month

I have decided to get back into writing my blog and so I have dedicated time this month to writing blog posts on topics that I find interesting and that I hope are informative.

Birth Flowers and Their Meanings

Where I look at each months dedicated flower and the symbolism behind them. I discovered that my birth flower was Aster (hello September babies!) and discussed the idea of using birth month flowers within bridal bouquets to add an extra layer of meaning.

Why Choose Professional Bouquet Preservation Over DIY Methods?

It is definitely a topic hotly debated online and to be honest it is an entirely personal decision.

If you are a crafty/creative person the idea of trying out a new hobby might be really exciting! Or maybe the idea of testing out a new skill set on your beloved bridal bouquet strikes fear into your heart.

Maybe you are jetting off on your honeymoon and won’t have time to preserve your bouquet yourself. Or you simply want an expert to make the most of your bouquet before it fades!

Whatever you reasons it is important to look at both sides to make an informed decision. And that’s what this blog post covered.

Behind the Scenes

If you follow me on Instagram Stories you probably already know all about my recently built workshop in my back garden. It has been a long process - levelling the ground took months! And the building went up at the end of May.

In June we have had a new floor put in. We used a local company; Quality Flooring Outlet and they did a great job! It’s a strong vinyl that should withstand being bashed about a bit! I love the herringbone effect and Gen thinks it makes quite the dance floor!

new flooring in the workshop

Since then I have moved the presses into the workshop but I don’t yet have shelving or a workbench… or electricity for that matter! But I want to make sure I get it right and use the space to its full potential so progress is slow. I’m on my way to my dream workshop one step at a time!

In the meantime I am still using my kitchen table to press bouquets and reconstruct flowers, much to the joy of my son who loves dinner in the sitting room!

Personal Highlights

June has been a funny old month for me personally. I’ve had doctors appointments coming out my ears (don’t worry nothing serious!) as it turns out my tiredness and sleep problems are down to vitamin deficiencies. But I’m getting it sorted! Taking my daily vitamins and hopefully I will have more energy soon.

The kids are doing very well, they have been loving the sunshine we’ve been having the second half of this month. We have done lots of country walks and days in the garden enjoying the paddling pool.

I’ve started broadening my podcast listens beyond true crime and started listening to the She Means Business Podcast. I’ve found the short episodes easy to digest and implement. I highly recommend!

She means business podcast screenshot

Plans for Next Month

Well, July is set to be another busy month of bouquets. And with the school holidays starting I’m sure I’ll be busier than ever, juggling Lancaster Flower Press and keeping the kids entertained.

I’m going to keep working on my blog and email list, while also looking into more framing options so I can offer a more expansive range to fit every style. Hopefully we will be adding guttering and a workbench to the workshop with electricity and shelving coming in August. Fingers crossed!

My parents are back in the UK from Spain so I’ll be spending some much needed quality time with them. Hopefully this lovely weather will keep up and we can have lots of fun days out once the kids are off school.

Final Thoughts and Thank You

June has been busy than I thought possible! If you’d of told me a year ago I would have so many clients, enquiries and bookings I would have laughed in your face. Not my little business?! I’ve found this year a real learning curve, its been stressful at times but I wouldn’t change it for the world!

So thank you to everyone who has supported me; whether through booking with me, sharing my social media posts or just being here for moral support! I appreciate you all!

And if you’re getting married this year and you’re still looking for a preservation artist - get in touch!

Until next time!

Harriet xxx

Need help finding the perfect bouquet preservationist for you? Check out my free guide! Packed full of advice on how to find the right one for you.


How To Surprise Newlyweds With A Preserved Bouquet


Why Choose Professional Bouquet Preservation Over DIY Methods?